RCOC Construction Update 5-31-24 - Pink Section

Weekly Update from the Road Commission - Pink Section

The contractor has begun working on site to remove existing curbs and driveways on North Glenhurst and Westwood in preparation for new curb installation and drive approach replacement. As this work progresses, you will still have access to your driveways. We are providing aggregate transitions to ensure this access. If you have a circular driveway, we will provide transitions in one approach or the other (not both).

The contractor will be working from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. They are working on one side of the road at a time to allow access for residents and maintain the flow of traffic.

Additionally, the restoration contractor has started locating and marking sprinkler heads within the greenbelt area between the road and sidewalk. Please assist us by marking your sprinkler heads with paint, flags, sticks, etc. This will help us avoid damaging your sprinkler heads/system as much as possible.

The contractor has installed the required soil erosion controls. These controls are necessary to remain in place until the project is completed. The soil erosion controls will slow drainage and protect the drainage system from debris and/or sediment entering the system at all structure areas.

Construction signs have been installed throughout Bloomfield Village and need to remain in place for the duration of the road work. The signs will be removed when they are no longer needed. Any damage caused by the signs to greenbelt areas will be addressed as part of the final restoration process.

Please travel at slow speeds as you approach individuals and equipment. When approaching the active construction area, make eye contact with the individual construction worker or the equipment operator before traveling past them. Equipment operators have many blind spots and may not see you unless eye contact is made.

We aim to provide you with a quality, beautiful new road and need your help by being patient and limiting travel in the areas where we are working during working hours. We want to complete this large project as quickly as possible and limit the inconvenience to residents. Please refrain from parking on the road.

We will provide updates to residents as the project progresses. If you receive an update, please spread the word to your neighbors in case they are unaware of the current work schedule.

We know that the upcoming work is exciting and interesting to children of all ages; however, please keep children out of the road and behind the sidewalk at all times. The work will generally not extend any further than 5 feet from the edge of the existing roadway.

Should residents have questions or concerns, please contact Christina Jaenisch at 248-365-8036 or cjaenisch@rcoc.org or Mark Meszler at 248-763-9502 or mmeszler@rcoc.org. If you email or call, please provide your address and contact number. We ask that residents do not communicate with the contractor directly, as they are working for the Road Commission of Oakland County (RCOC) and will only take direction from RCOC. Likewise, the contractor’s employees have been instructed not to communicate with residents to ensure RCOC can address and be aware of any residents’ concerns

Should residents have questions or concerns, please contact Christina Jaenisch 248-865-4306 or cjaenisch@rcoc.org . If you email or call, please provide your address and contact number. We ask that residents do not communicate with the contractor directly, as they are working for the Road Commission of Oakland County (RCOC) and will only take direction from RCOC. Likewise, the contractor’s employees have been instructed not to communicate with residents to ensure RCOC can address and be aware of any residents’ concerns.

At this time, there has been an adjustment to the road work sequence in the PINK phase. Waddington has been moved up from the 8th to the 3rd road to be addressed. This will provide better workflow and reduce the need to move equipment from one end of the site to the other. Please see the updated section order below:

Running with traffic (one side at a time)

1. North Glenhurst

2. Westwood

3. Waddington

4. Tilbury and Tilbury Place

5. South Bradway

6. Yarmouth

7. Dorstone

8. Tottenham

9. Oak

10. Pine

Additional updates will be sent if there are more adjustments to the sequence of work areas.

Thank you for your patience, cooperation and understanding.

Christina Jaenisch, RCOC


RCOC Construction Update 5-31-24 — Blue Section


Construction Update 5/31/24