Construction update — BLUE section 10/9/24

Construction update from the Road Commission

This week

  • Ajax will pave the remaining streets in the western part of the section on Thursday and Friday, as follows.

    • Thursday 10/10 — Half Moon, Wooddale Court, Wooddale Road

    • Friday 10/11 — Roland and Tuckahoe

      Grading will continue for Roland and Tuckahoe on Thursday, in preparation for Friday paving. See below for further discussion of parking and traffic restrictions during paving.

  • Asphalt removal (milling) in the eastern part of the section is also scheduled for Thursday and Friday, as follows:

    • Thursday 10/10 — Glengarry Circle West, then N. Williamsbury

    • Friday 10/11 — Overhill and Hamilton

      See further discussion of impacts on traffic and parking below.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will begin sprinkler repairs on the streets that have already been paved. Sprinkler repairs will continue over the next several weeks. Mike’s will generally work through the Blue section streets in the order they were paved. Residents are advised to postpone sprinkler winterization for as long as possible, to ensure repairs can be completed before the sprinklers are winterized.

  • Residents should place their garbage at the curb as usual for Friday pick-up. The contractor will work with Priority Waste to give them access to the street where possible, or will drag the cans to a corner where they can be picked up.

Next week

  • Verdeterre will begin grading on Glengarry Circle West and move on to Williamsbury, Overhill and Hamilton, working out toward Bradway. Paving on these streets will likely occur the week of October 21.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will continue sprinkler repairs and restoration on the streets that have been paved. After sprinkler repairs are complete, topsoil will be added to the areas impacted by construction, then sod will be placed. The restoration work will continue for several weeks.

  • Structure lining and adjustments will begin on streets that have been paved. This work will continue for several weeks and must be completed before the second layer of paving can be laid.

Parking and traffic restrictions during milling, grading and paving

Please see discussion of what these operations entail, and how parking and traffic will be impacted HERE.

Key points:

  • Milling equipment will completely block the street and residents will need to detour around it. Access to driveways will be impacted - residents should plan a 30- to 60-minute delay as the mill passes their driveways.

  • Drivers will likely experience delays in traveling streets being graded.

  • Streets being paved will be completely closed to ALL traffic and there will be no driveway access until the street is reopened. Residents will want to park cars outside of the paving zone if they need access to them on paving day. Lawn crews or other contractors should be scheduled on a different day.

  • There can be no street parking during milling, grading and paving work. Cars parked in the street will be towed. Driveway parking is an option during milling and grading. See other suggested parking options during milling, grading and paving below.

During the paving operation, asphalt trucks will be staged on Bradway and will back into the streets being paved. Similarly, during the milling work in the eastern part of the section, gravel haulers will be staged on Bradway and will back into the streets being milled to be loaded with the removed asphalt. Both gravel haulers and asphalt trucks will exit the construction area on Bradway. Bradway will be very congested on Thursday and Friday with both milling and paving taking place. Residents are advised to avoid driving on Bradway west of Glengarry if at all possible on these days.

Parking suggestions during milling, grading and paving

Parking during paving on Half Moon, Wooddales, Roland and Tuckahoe — options include Burning Bush/Ardmoor/Hupp Cross (which are already paved), or Tuckahoe or Sunnydale south of Bradway. Do not park on Bradway.

Parking in the eastern part of the section — For Glengarry Circle West - Sandringham, Glengarry Road and Glengarry Circle East are options. For Williamsbury, Hamilton and Overhill — options include parking on these streets south of Bradway, on Glengarry Road or Glengarry Circle East. Do not park on Bradway west of Glengarry.

Pool closings and water discharge

We have been advised of several instances in which pool water has been discharged into the street when pools are being closed for the winter. Bloomfield Township ordinance prohibits discharge of pool water into the storm sewer system. Further, pool water discharged into streets under construction will saturate the road base, especially after the existing pavement has been milled off. If discharged onto the first layer of asphalt, the pool water will soak the pavement and may not dry sufficiently before the next course is laid. Wet pavement or sub-base will impact the integrity of the asphalt on the new roads. For the sake of the quality and longevity of the new roads for which Blue section residents are paying over $42,000, do not drain your pool into the street or the storm sewers. Residents with pools have the option to either drain pool water on their own lawns/landscape or hire someone to truck it away.

Looking ahead . . . .

Once restoration work and structure lining/adjustments are completed, the final course of asphalt will be scheduled. The final paving will likely begin toward the end of this month.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we sprint to the end of the road project in the Blue section!


Construction update — PINK section 10/9/24


Construction update — Pink section 10/2/24