Construction Update — Blue section 9/25/24

Construction update from RCOC

This week

  • Verdeterre will continue curb removal and preparation for underdrain in the eastern part of the section (Overhill, Hamilton, N. Williamsbury, West Glengarry Circle) for the remainder of the week. This work may carry over to the beginning of next week.

  • MRM will start installing underdrain in the prepared areas on Overhill, Hamilton, N. Williamsbury and West Glengarry Circle on Thursday.

  • Grading will continue on the streets that have been milled in the western part of the section. Grading will take several days after the milling is completed on any given street.

  • Milling will be completed on Thursday 9/26 on Roland, Tuckahoe, Half Moon and the last piece of Wooddale Road near Bradway. Grading will begin after the milling is complete.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be making repairs.

Next week

  • Underdrain installation will continue in the eastern part of the section. Verdeterre will grade the area over the underdrain to prepared for curbing.

  • Once underdrain is installed and the area prepped, concrete curbing work will start. The order of streets will be the opposite of when the curbs were laid on the first side, starting with Glengarry Circle West and ending with Overhill. Residents will be receive a notice on the front door about 48 hours prior to the curbing work. See further discussion of driveway access and parking limitations during the curbing work below.

  • Grading will continue in the western part of the section, probably through most of the week.

  • Paving will begin in the western part of the section, likely toward the middle of the week. The timing and pacing of paving operations will depend on how grading progresses, and on the weather. Most likely, Ardmoor and Burning Bush will be paved first. We will announce the schedule via blog post and email to Blue section residents as it is finalized.

Milling, grading and paving operations - parking restrictions and access limitations

Please see last week’s blog post for details on these operations and related parking restrictions and access limitations HERE.

Curbing process - parking and access limitations

The curbing process includes removal of temporary driveway approaches, pouring concrete curbs, laying concrete driveway approaches and allowing the concrete to cure. Residents will not have access to their driveways for about two weeks, starting from the day the driveway approach is removed. This allows time for the work to be completed and concrete curbs/driveway approaches to cure before there is vehicle traffic on them. Please do not park on the street during the workday when curbing work is being done — there simply isn’t enough room to navigate around parked vehicles. See more information on the curbing process and related limitations on driveway access and parking restrictions HERE.

New driveway approaches will generally be concrete, unless the Road Commission contacts the impacted resident to discuss a different material (asphalt, re-installing brick pavers, etc.) Residents who previously had asphalt driveway approaches can request an asphalt replacement (instead of concrete) by emailing Wayne Dabrowski at For residents on West Glengarry Circle who have asphalt driveways, the contractor will lay asphalt (not concrete) between the existing driveway and the curb. The asphalt will be laid during the paving process; temporary stone will be placed in the driveway/curb gap until that time.

Parking suggestions during curbing, milling, grading and paving operations

Residents will not have access to their driveways during curbing work, and will not be able to park on the street during the workday. Residents of the eastern part of the Blue section will want to park outside of the construction zone. Some possibilities:

  • For West Glengarry Circle — N. Glengarry Rd or East Glengarry Circle are options.

  • For N. Williamsbury and Hamilton — Williamsbury or Hamilton south of Bradway are the best options. Parking is allowed on Bradway as well; however, please leave a significant distance between your vehicle and the corners, to allow the heavy construction equipment room to maneuver near Bradway.

  • For Overhill — Overhill or Hamilton south of Bradway, or along Bradway to the east of Overhill. Please note that residents from the western part of the section have few parking options other than Bradway, and leave room on Bradway for them to park closer to their homes.

During the milling, grading and paving operations, residents in the western part of the section will not be able to park on the street during the workday, and cars will need to be moved off the street before 7 am to avoid towing. Driveway parking is the best option during milling and grading. There may be delays in getting out of driveways as discussed in last week’s blog (linked above), and residents will want to allow extra time. For street parking, residents generally will want to park behind the construction work (that is, park on a street where the construction operations have been completed) or out of the construction zone completely. Other than driveway parking, there are limited options to consider, given how tight this part of the Blue section is. Parking suggestions for residents of these streets:

Ardmoor and the eastern part of Burning Bush: parking on the part of Ardmoor that is not in the Village is likely the closest option. Western part of Burning Bush - Bradway Blvd. or streets south of it will likely be the best option.

Hupp Cross, Wooddale, Roland, Tuckahoe, Wooddale Court and Half Moon: Parking on Bradway or streets south of Bradway Blvd. will be the closest options.

If parking on Bradway, please leave room between your vehicle and the corners touching the construction zone, to give the contractors space to navigate with the trucks and heavy equipment.

During paving, there can be no street parking, and residents will not be able to get into or out of their driveways until the asphalt is sufficiently cooled and the street is reopened. Residents who need their vehicles will want to park them outside of the construction zone the night before paving begins in the areas suggested above. Once a street is paved and reopened, residents will be able to park on that street while other streets are being graded and/or paved. For example, if paving on Burning Bush is completed, residents of Hupp Cross, Wooddale and Half Moon may choose to park on Burning Bush while their streets are closed.

Looking ahead . . .

Once the concrete curbs are cured in the eastern part of the Blue section so that driveway access is restored, milling and grading will be started.

Paving in the western part of the Blue section will be completed as quickly as possible after grading, most likely extending into the week of October 7.

Restoration work will be performed between the first and second courses of asphalt. Restoration work will include repairing any sprinklers that have been damaged, preparing the areas between the curb and sidewalk for sod (adding top soil and grading), then sodding. Residents will be asked to turn on their sprinklers to confirm they are operating after the repairs. For this reasons, residents will want to schedule winterization as late as possible to ensure that repairs can be completed before the system is winterized. As a reminder, the Mike’s Landscaping has been contracted to make all sprinkler repairs in the road project; residents who choose to have their own contractors do the repairs will not be reimbursed.

Drainage structures and manholes will be lined and adjusted between the first and second courses of paving. This work will involve blocking the street when the structure is located in the middle, and there may be temporary delays and detours for traffic.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during the Roads project.


Construction update — PINK section 9/25/24


Are there other, less expensive options than rebuilding our roads?