Frequently Asked Questions - 2


Why is Bradway Boulevard going to be done in the last section in 2026? It is the most traveled east-west road through the Village and has terrible potholes.


The Road Commission determined the sections based on what makes engineering/construction sense. We then worked with them to determine the sequence. We want to be able to do two sections (with separate SADs and different contractors) in each summer construction period, to get the whole Village done in 3 years instead of 5. In order to do that, the Road Commission stated the sections cannot touch each other, so that the contractors cannot access each other’s sections. We also need to avoid construction machinery traveling over new roads. Since the green section (Bradway) touches all the other sections, it has to be done separately.

Cranbrook and Covington roads will not be rebuilt. Will those houses contribute in any fashion to the road repair in the rest of the Village? It seems like they should. It seems unfair for those residents to pay nothing toward the roads, when they use other Village roads too.


Within the last ten years, Cranbrook and Covington roads were rebuilt by the Oakland County Road Commission, at no cost to the homeowners, because Oakland County needed to tear up those roads to do water and sewer work. These roads do not need to be repaired at this time.

State law does not allow SADs (Special Assessment Districts) to allocate road repair or improvement costs to homes that are not located on the street being repaired. The Cranbrook and Covington homeowners may have “gotten a deal” – but it is simply not allowable to include them in the proposed SADs.

In a Village bulletin article you note that “Bloomfield Township will calculate the estimated cost project cost per house, dividing the total project cost evenly among the homes in that section.“ Why should Bloomfield Township make this decision? That should be a decision made by the resident homeowners of Bloomfield Village.


This is a situation in which we are governed by what the state statute (Public Act 188) says and by Bloomfield Township policy. Since we are financing the project through the Township, we will need to follow the Township policy on Special Assessment Districts. Bloomfield Township for the last 10+ years has chosen to divide the costs pro rata.

See financing explanation section on for a more extensive discussion to why we picked Bloomfield Township.


October 2022 - Pothole of the Month


Frequently Asked Questions - 1