Construction Update 5/20/24 — PINK section

From Mark Meszler of the Road Commission:

As you have noticed by now, we have started marking the driveways and sidewalks for removal. Please note that driveways are being marked for removal to make a smooth transition from the existing driveway to the back of the new curb and gutter. Some residents will have larger removals, some will have smaller removals and others possibly no removal; each driveway is unique to itself based on material type, elevation relation to the road, etc. The contractor will be on site next Tuesday (5/28) to start saw cutting the removal areas. The Restoration Contractor has also begun locating and marking sprinkler heads within the greenbelt area between the road and sidewalk. PLEASE help us by marking your sprinkler heads with paint, flags, sticks, etc.; this will help us avoid as much damage to your sprinkler heads/system as possible.

The contractor will begin to install the required soil erosion controls next Tuesday (5/28). The soil erosion controls must remain in place until the project has been completed. The soil erosion controls will slow the drainage and protect the drainage system from any debris and/or sediment that might enter the system where there are structures.

This week, all operations will continue through Friday until 3:00 PM. There will be NO work this week/weekend after 3:00 PM on Friday until Tuesday at 7:00 AM to allow for the residents (and the contractors) to enjoy the upcoming holiday.

Next Tuesday (5/28), the contractor will begin removing asphalt, curb and gutter, driveway approaches, etc. Once that work has begun, you will still have access to your driveways. We will provide aggregate transitions where the driveway approach has been removed. If you have a circular driveway, we will provide a transition on one end or the other (but not both).

In general, the contractor will work on one side of the road at a time to allow access for the residents and maintain flow of traffic. Once the removals discussed above have taken place, we will provide a future update explaining 1) the process of placing underdrain in the area where the curb and gutter was removed; 2) making grade for the new curb and gutter; and 3) the installation of curb and gutter.

The contractor will be working from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM Monday through Saturday.

Tomorrow, the contractor will begin to place construction signage throughout Bloomfield Village. These signs need to remain in place and will be removed when they are no longer needed. Any damage that the signs cause to greenbelt areas will be part of the final restoration process.

I have been on site several times within the last week. I again ask that you travel at SLOW SPEEDS as you approach construction workers and equipment. When approaching either, please be sure to make eye contact with the individual or the equipment operator before traversing past them. Equipment operators have many blind spots and do not know that you are there unless they see you (eye contact). Please be assured that we want to provide you with a quality, beautiful new road; we need your help by being patient and limiting travel in the areas which we are working during working times. We want to complete this large project as quickly as possible and limit the inconvenience to the residents as much as possible. Also, please refrain from parking in the road.

We will provide updates to the residents as the project progresses. If you receive an update, please spread the word to your neighbors in case they are not aware of what and when work is transpiring.

We know that the upcoming work is exciting and interesting to children of all ages; PLEASE keep children out of the road and behind the sidewalk at all times. The work that will take place generally will not extend any further than 5 feet from the edge of the existing roadway.

Should residents have questions or concerns, please feel free to use the contact information below. I ask that if you email and/or call, please provide an address and contact number; please do not text as I will not respond to text messages. I ask that residents do not communicate with the contractor as they are working for RCOC and will only take direction from RCOC. Likewise, the contractor’s employees have been notified not to have communication with residents; this is so that RCOC can be sure to address and aware of any residents’ concerns.

It is also worth noting that the Prime Contractor (AJAX PAVING) has different sub-contractors for each the BLUE and PINK phases so work will be staged differently in each of the phases.

Project Sequencing - PINK section

The contractor will be working in the following sequence to start; project sequencing may be adjusted after the contractors get into the project. An update will be sent if there are adjustments to the sequence of work areas. The contractor will be working on one side of the road at a time, in the following order:

  1. N. Glenhurst Drive

  2. Westwood Drive

  3. Tilbury Road and Tilbury Place

  4. S. Bradway Blvd.

  5. Yarmouth Road

  6. Dorstone Road

  7. Tottenham Road

  8. Waddington Road

  9. Oak Street

  10. Pine Street

Once the contractor has moved through this sequence, they will flip to the other side of the street.

Thanks in advance for your patience, cooperation and understanding.

Enjoy the upcoming holiday weekend.

Mark Meszler



Construction Update 5/20/24 - BLUE section


Construction update 5/14/24 from RCOC