Construction Update — Blue Section 8/21/24

Construction Update from Road Commission

This Week

  • MRM is installing underdrain in the areas where curb has been removed.

  • Verdeterre is grading behind where MRM has installed underdrain, to prepare for concrete the week of 8/26.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

Next week

  • Concrete work will begin on Monday 8/26. Verdeterre will prep locations ahead of the curbing contractor, Doan, starting with Glengarry Circle West, N. Williamsbury, Hamilton and Overhill (in that order). Doan will lay curbs in the prepared areas on those streets, and will then move to Burning Bush, Ardmoor, Hupp Cross, Wooddale Road and Court, Half Moon, Roland and Tuckahoe (in that order).

  • GM & Sons will follow Doan with concrete driveway approaches. New driveway approaches will generally be concrete, unless the Road Commission contacts the impacted resident to discuss a different material (asphalt, re-installing brick pavers, etc.) Residents who previously had asphalt driveway approaches can request an asphalt replacement (instead of concrete) by emailing Wayne Dabrowski at

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

Driveway access restrictions and parking during curbing process

Concrete work, which includes the concrete curbs and driveway approaches, will begin in the BLUE section the week of August 26. As a reminder, this curbing process includes removal of temporary driveway approaches, pouring concrete curbs, laying concrete driveway approaches and allowing the concrete to cure. Residents will not have access to their driveways for about two weeks, starting from the day the driveway approach is removed. This allows time for the concrete curbs/driveway approaches to cure before there is vehicle traffic on them. See more information on the curbing process and related limitations on driveway access and parking restrictions HERE.

Residents who will be impacted by the concrete work will be notified about 48 hours in advance with a notice on front doors. The notice will include the date on which the work is expected to start. Vehicles should be moved from driveways/garages and parked elsewhere prior to 7 am on the date indicated to avoid being blocked in for the two-week period.

The contractors will progress as quickly as possible in an effort to complete the concrete work before Labor Day, if possible, but the work will most likely extend into the first few days after Labor Day.

If there is active construction on your street, especially the concrete work, please plan to park elsewhere during the workday. Options include another street where there isn’t active construction, or perhaps arranging with a neighbor across the street to park in their driveway. Our streets are too narrow to accommodate the concrete work plus parked vehicles plus an open lane of traffic. Please ensure any workers at your home - lawn services, sitters, etc. are not parked on the street where there is active construction either. Every parked car that has to be moved creates congestion on the street and a delay for the contractor.

If you have any concerns about mobility and your ability to access your home while the concrete cures, please contact Wayne Dabrowski at 248-858-4862 or

Looking ahead . . .

On Friday August 30, the contractors will wrap up and clear out of the neighborhood by 3 pm, in advance of the holiday weekend. Work will resume on Tuesday, September 3.

Verdeterre will be back in the eastern part of the Blue section (Overhill, N. Williamsbury, Hamilton, Glengarry Circle West) after Labor Day for curb/driveway approach removal and underdrain installation on the second side of each street. More information on timing of this work should be available next week.

Once the curbs are in on both sides of a street, the next steps include milling off the existing asphalt layers, grading and preparing the sub-base for paving, then laying asphalt. Drainage structures will be adjusted during this process as well. The milling and paving process will start in the BLUE section sometime after Labor Day.

In the PINK section, work will soon be moving into the northern part of the section, west of Cranbrook. In order to store necessary materials closer to the work, starting as early as this week, Oak Blvd will be closed in the block between Covington and Yarmouth. Drivers will have to detour around the closure for at least 2-3 weeks (maybe longer) and should plan alternate routes.

School bus routes

The Road Commission has been in contact with Birmingham Public Schools Transportation Department, making them aware of the road construction. BPS will make the final decision on bus routes and communicate with impacted families.


Please avoid parking during the workday on any street where there is active road construction and ensure any contractors/workers at your home understand and follow this guidance. Our streets are just not wide enough to accommodate construction equipment, traffic and parking at the same time. Limiting traffic on streets with active construction would also be a big help.

For questions or issues during construction, please contact Wayne Dabrowski at 248-858-4862 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.


Construction Update — Pink 8/21/24


Construction Update — Blue Section 8/14/24