Construction Update — Pink 8/14/24

Construction update from the Road Commission - Pink

This week

  • Doan, the curbing contractor, has postponed the start of concrete curbing work to Monday 8/19/24. New notices will be posted on front doors about 48 hours in advance to inform residents of the new dates on which they will need to have vehicles out of driveways/garages to avoid being blocked in for two weeks.

  • Springline will continue with grade prep and clean up around the site for the remainder of the week.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

  • Fort Wayne is performing structure adjustments.

  • The first layer of paving was completed Tuesday on Glenhurst and Westwood. The second and final layer will be placed sometime after Labor Day.

Next week

  • Springline will be prepping ahead of Doan (curbing contractor), starting with the north end of Yarmouth (east of Cranbrook), Waddington, Oak, and Pine, moving to Tilbury Road and Place, and then the south part of Yarmouth Rd. and Bradway Blvd.

  • Driveway approach removals will start on the north part of Yarmouth (east of Cranbrook), then Waddington, Oak, Pine in the same order as above.

  • Doan and GM & Sons will be pouring concrete curb and driveways starting on 8/19 in the order above.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

Curbing operations - driveway access restrictions, parking

As a reminder of the curbing process: Temporary driveway approaches will be removed first, then the curb will be placed, followed by pouring of concrete driveway approaches. Residents will not have access to their driveways for about 2 weeks for the curbing operation. The two-week clock starts when the driveway approach is removed. See more information on the curbing process HERE. Residents who will be impacted by the curbing process will receive a notice on the front door about 48 hours in advance. Make sure to have any vehicles you need out of the driveway/garage before 7 am on the day the driveway approach is removed, to avoid being blocked in for two weeks.

On the days when the contractor is removing driveways, laying curb and laying driveway approaches, please park on another street (or perhaps arrange with a neighbor across the street to park in their driveway). It is very difficult, and in some cases impossible, for the contractor to navigate around vehicles parked on the street during construction. After the construction crews have left for the evening, street parking is fine until the crews come back at 7 am the next day.

New pavement on N. Glenhurst and Westwood

Paving operations on Tuesday went well and both streets were opened to traffic prior to the end of the day. Thank you to the residents on those streets for having their cars parked off the street throughout the process. During this period between the first and second layers of asphalt, the pavement is lower than the curb. Water will pool in the street during the time because the drains (in the curb) are higher than the water the street. This is to be expected. Residents may also note that manholes are covered with the new pavement. These structures have been lowered so they are not damaged by the paving equipment. Once the second pavement layer is placed, the asphalt covering the structures will be cut and removed, the structure height adjusted to be level with the pavement, and the small gap between the structure cover and the asphalt will be sealed.

Looking ahead

Concrete curbs and driveway approaches should be completed by the end of next week in all of the areas prepped for curbing, weather permitting. The contractor will then be moving to the northern part of the PINK section to start curb and driveway approach removals. This work could begin as early as the end of next week. When driveway approaches are removed, a temporary stone approach will be placed to maintain driveway access. There may be a delay of up to an hour between removal of the existing approach and placement of the temporary stone. Residents will want to allow extra time when this work is approaching their homes, to ensure the temporary delay does not become a problem.

In order to store materials closer to the work, Oak Blvd will be closed between Covington and Yarmouth, starting as early as next week, for at least 2-3 weeks (maybe longer). Residents will be able to get in and out of driveways that open onto that block of Oak, but the road will be closed to traffic. Residents will need to plan alternate routes to detour around the closure.

After Labor Day, milling and paving operations will begin on the streets where curbing is complete. More information on timing and logistics will be available soon.

The Road Commission has been in contact with the Birmingham Public Schools Transportation Department to inform them of the road construction taking place in our neighborhood. The Transporation Department will be determining how the construction will impact bus routes.

Other reminders. . . .

Given how congested the streets are with construction, we are asking residents to avoid parking during the workday on any street where there is construction activity. Once the workers leave for the evening, street parking is fine until 7 am the next morning. Please remove vehicles parked overnight on the street before 7 am.

Additionally, while one side of the street is usually open for traffic during construction, please try to avoid driving on streets where there is active construction to help reduce congestion and keep everyone safe.

Questions and concerns during the construction process should be directed to Wayne Dabrowski at the Road Commission — 248-858-4862 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.


Construction Update — Blue Section 8/14/24


Gold and Yellow Petitions Are Ready to Sign!