Gold and Yellow Petitions Are Ready to Sign!

Petitions for the Gold and Yellow sections are ready for signatures. Three ways to sign:

  1. Come to the Village Hall during office hours, which will be announced weekly.

  2. Sign with a Roads Committee volunteer who will visit your home or contact you to arrange a convenient time.

  3. Make an appointment to stop in at the Village Hall or for a volunteer to bring the petition to you by sending an email to or

Because the petitions are legal documents governed by Public Act 188 and other legal requirements, there are some technicalities to be aware of:

  • If a homeowner is married, both spouses must sign the petition regardless of whether both are listed on the title. It would help us greatly if both spouses can sign at the same time.

  • If the home is held by a trust, the petition must be signed by person(s) authorized by the trust documents to do so. We will be required to submit paperwork to Bloomfield Township to document the authority of the person(s) signing.

  • If the home is held by a corporate entity or LLC, the petition must be signed by person(s) with the authority to do so, usually an officer of the corporate entity. We will be required to submit copies of the relevant paperwork that document the authority of the person(s) signing.

What if I don’t support the SAD?

We understand that, as bad as our roads are, not every homeowner will support this effort. If you don’t support the SAD that will rebuild our roads, do not sign the petition. If you don’t sign the petition, you are essentially “voting NO.” One request – once you have decided you do not support the SAD, please inform our Road Committee volunteer that you have made a decision and won’t sign the petition. We respect your decision and don’t want to harass you; we ask you to be respectful of the volunteers trying to contact you.

Where can I read the petition language?

Access a reference copy of the petition language here for Yellow and here for Gold. This includes the exact language of the official petition (excluding the signature pages) - the official petitions are in hardcopy only, and have the signature pages attached.


Construction Update — Pink 8/14/24


Construction Update — BLUE section 8/7/24