Construction Update — PINK section 10/16/24

Construction update from Road Commission:

This week

  • Asphalt removal (milling) on remaining streets in the PINK section will be completed this week as follows:

    • Wednesday 10/16 — Tilbury north of Pine, then the block of Yarmouth that runs from Cranbrook north to Oak.

    • Thursday 10/17 — Oak Blvd., then the block of Yarmouth the runs from Oak north to Cranbrook.

    • Friday 10/18 — Dorstone and Tottenham. Residents should place trash by the curb for pick up as usual.

  • Springline will begin grading on each street after the asphalt has been removed.

  • Structure lining and adjustment will continue throughout the section on streets that have received the first layer of pavement.

  • Doan will begin removal and replacement of sections of the concrete curb on Glenhurst that were damaged by the paving process. Residents who will be impacted by this work will be notified by the contractor. Where the curb in front of a driveway will be removed and replaced, access to the driveway will be blocked for 7-10 days to allow the new concrete to cure, and residents will need to park in the street or a neighbor’s driveway.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will continue restoration work. By the end of the week, sprinkler repairs should be complete on all Pink section streets that have been paved with the first layer of asphalt. Residents on these streets who still have sprinkler issues should email Wayne Dabrowski, Project Engineer, directly to inform him of the issue.

Next week

  • Grading will continue on Oak Blvd., Yarmouth west of Cranbrook, Dorstone, Tottenham and Tilbury north of Pine.

  • Final grading and paving are tentatively scheduled for Oak and Dorstone on Friday 10/25 and Saturday 10/26. Both of these streets will be closed to ALL traffic and parking on those days. Because of the amount of traffic and parking on Oak and Dorstone, the streets will be closed for final grading on Friday 10/25, and will remain closed until they are paved on Saturday 10/26. Alternative routes for travel to/from Quarton Elementary include Pine Street, Yarmouth east of Cranbrook, Maple and Quarton Road. Alternative routes for Covington School include Covington Road and Quarton Road.

  • ART will continue structure lining and adjustment.

  • Doan will continue concrete work as discussed above.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will continue restoration work.

Week of October 28

  • Paving of Tilbury north of Pine, Yarmouth west of Cranbrook and Tottenham will likely occur the week of October 28. Timing on paving will depend on the condition of the sub-grade. More schedule information should be available next week.

  • The final lift of asphalt on streets that already have the first layer of pavement will likely begin the week of October 28 as well.

Parking, driveway access and traffic restrictions during milling, grading and paving

Please see discussion of what these operations entail, and how parking, driveway access and traffic will be impacted HERE.

Key points:

  • Milling equipment will completely block the street and residents will need to detour around it. Access to driveways will be impacted - residents should plan a 30- to 60-minute delay as the mill passes their driveways.

  • Drivers will likely experience delays in traveling streets being graded. Traffic using Oak Blvd to/from Quarton Elementary and Dorstone to Covington School will need to allow extra time or find an alternative route.

  • Streets being paved will be completely closed to ALL traffic and there will be no driveway access until the street is reopened. Residents will want to park cars outside of the paving zone if they need access to them on paving day. Lawn crews or other contractors should be scheduled on a different day.

  • There can be no street parking during milling, grading and paving work. Cars parked in the street will be towed. Driveway parking is an option during milling and grading. During paving, residents will not be able to get into or out of driveways until the asphalt has sufficiently cooled and the street is reopened. See other suggested parking options during milling, grading and paving below.

Parking suggestions during milling and grading

For the blocks of Oak west of Cranbrook and the block of Yarmouth running from Cranbrook north to Oak, parking on streets west of Covington (Amberly, Endsleigh, Covington Place) are options. The blocks of Yarmouth and Tilbury south of Pine are also options.

For the part of Oak east of Cranbrook, Tottenham and Dorstone — Waddington and streets in Birmingham are good options.

For Tilbury, parking south of Pine Street will be the closest option.

Sprinkler winterization

As part of the restoration work, Mike’s Landscaping crews will be repairing any damage to sprinkler systems caused by the construction. Residents will be asked to turn their systems on and confirm damage is repaired. Residents with systems needing repair will want to schedule sprinkler winterization for later in October to ensure the systems can be fixed before winterization is done. As a reminder, residents may choose to have their own contractor repair sprinkler damage, but will not be reimbursed for the cost of doing so.

Pool closings and water discharge

We have been advised of several instances in which pool water has been discharged into the street when pools are being closed for the winter. Bloomfield Township ordinance prohibits discharge of pool water into the storm sewer system. Further, pool water discharged into streets under construction will saturate the road base, especially after the existing pavement has been milled off. If discharged onto the first layer of asphalt, the pool water will soak the pavement, and it may not dry sufficiently before the next asphalt course is laid. Wet pavement or sub-base will impact the integrity of the asphalt on the new roads. For the sake of the quality and longevity of the new roads for which Pink section residents are paying over $48,000, do not drain your pool into the street or the storm sewers. Residents with pools have the option to either drain pool water on their own lawns/landscape or hire someone to truck it away.

Looking ahead . . . .

Once restoration work and structure lining/adjustments are completed, the final course of asphalt will be scheduled. The final paving will likely begin toward the end of this month. In this period between asphalt courses, the Road Commission and its inspectors are reviewing the paved surface to identify any soft spots that indicate additional conditioning of the sub-base is needed. It is not abnormal for some soft spots to occur, particularly when the road to be paved continues to have traffic on it while it is being graded and prepared for paving. These areas will be repaired before the final asphalt course is laid.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we sprint to the end of the road project in the Pink section!


Construction Update — BLUE section 10/17/24


Revised milling schedule for week of 10/14/24 — PINK and BLUE sections