Construction Update - PINK section 8/7/24 (curbing start dates revised 8/9/24)

Construction update from RCOC

This Week

  • Springline will continue curb and gutter removal and performing underdrain installation on Tilbury Pl, Tilbury Dr, Pine St, Yarmouth Rd, and S Bradway Blvd.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

  • Milling operations on N Glenhurst and Westwood will take place on Wednesday 8/7.

  • Springline will grade the subbase of these two streets once the milling is complete to prep for paving. The grading will continue through Monday 8/12.

Next week

  • Springline is going to prep locations for curbing, staying ahead of Doan, starting with Waddington, Oak (east of Cranbrook), the north part of Yarmouth east of Cranbrook, and Pine, moving to Tilbury Road and Place, and then Yarmouth Rd (from Cranbook to Tilbury Pl) and Bradway Blvd.

  • Driveway removals will start at the north end of Waddington on Monday 8/12 Tuesday 8/13. Doan and GM & Sons will be pouring concrete curb and driveways starting on 8/13 Wednesday 8/14 in the same order above. Residents impacted by the driveway removals/curbing will receive a notice on the front door about 48 hours before the work starts.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be out making repairs.

  • Springline will finish grading N Glenhurst and Westwood Drives on Monday 8/12. The first lift of asphalt paving will be laid on these two streets on Tuesday 8/13. Residents will be notified about 48 hours in advance of paving with a notice posted on the front door.

Milling and paving operations — parking restrictions and access limitations

Today, the contractor began work to mill and remove the existing asphalt pavement on N. Glenhurst and Westwood. The milling equipment will move slowly, blocking the entire width of the street. There can be no parking on the street during the milling operation. The milling operation will begin at 7 am, and any vehicle on the street at that point (or throughout the day) will be towed. (Concrete curbs and driveway approaches will be fully cured by this point; driveway parking will be available to all homes on these streets.)

The milling equipment will block driveways as it moves down the street, thus residents may experience delays in getting into/out of their driveways. Because of the size of the equipment involved, the contractor will not be able to accommodate requests to move aside and allow residents to get into or out of their driveways. Residents will need to plan ahead and allow for a 30 to 60-minute delay for driveway/street access. Traffic will need to detour around the milling equipment. Flaggers will be positioned at both ends of the street.

Once the asphalt is removed, vehicles will be able to drive on the sub-grade. The sub-grade will be 4 inches or so below the concrete curb at each driveway, and the contractor will provide temporary stone ramps across the drop. Similarly, the sub-grade will be below the level of the pavement at Pine and Maple; temporary stone will be provided at these intersections. However, even with the ramps, the curb or pavement drop to the sub-grade may present an issue with low-profile vehicles (sports cars, for example) entering/leaving the driveway or turning onto Maple or Pine. SUVs and most sedans can usually manage the drop without bottoming out. Residents with low-profile vehicles will want to park them outside of the milling/paving area if they need access to the vehicles during milling/paving. See below for parking suggestions.

After the milling operation is completed, Springline will prepare the sub-grade for paving. This will involve replacement of sub-grade that has deteriorated or is not of sufficient quality, adding additional stone as needed to bring it to the proper level, and grading to the appropriate form. There can be no parking on the street during the sub-grade work. The grading operation will begin at 7 am, and any vehicle on the street at that point (or throughout the grading process) will be towed. Traffic may be delayed or detoured during grading as the contractor works to get the sub-grade in shape to accept the new pavement. There will be flaggers at either end of the streets during the sub-grade work.

Paving of N. Glenhurst and Westwood is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13. The streets will be closed to ALL traffic and there can be no street parking. The operation will begin at 7 am; any vehicle parked on the street at that point (or throughout the day) is subject to towing. (A single vehicle parked on the street will hold up the entire paving process.) Residents will not be able to enter or leave their driveways during the paving work.

The full-width paving operation on N. Glenhurst and Westwood will start at Pine Street and work south toward Maple. A procession of asphalt trucks will be staged on Maple Road and will back down the street to supply the asphalt for paving. Flaggers will be placed on Maple Road and at Pine Street to ensure no traffic enters the street.

When laid, the asphalt is hot enough to melt shoes and tires and cause significant injury. The asphalt will cool over several hours; once it is cool enough to drive on, that portion of the street will be opened to vehicle traffic. Homes at the south end of the street, which will be paved last, may need to wait until the next morning for the asphalt to be sufficiently cooled.

The milling, sub-grade preparation and paving of N. Glenhurst and Westwood will take about 5 work days, so long as the weather cooperates. Residents may want to have a plan to park elsewhere throughout the process. See parking suggestions below. It will be a good idea not to schedule contractor work on your home during the 5 days of milling/grading/paving, given that street parking is not available and there will be delays in getting down the street during the milling and grading work. Limiting traffic on these streets throughout the week will help the road contractors do their work as efficiently as possible. Residents with lawn crews or other workers that normally come on the day paving is scheduled may want to coordinate with them to schedule a different day.

The Road Commission will place notices on front doors about 48 hours ahead of the day when the milling process will begin. Please make sure to remove vehicles from the street before 7 am on the date specified to allow the contractors to start on time and do their work efficiently.

Parking suggestions during the milling and paving operations include Westwood or Glenhurst north of Pine, or Waddington for this week only. The Road Commission has confirmed that there will be no construction operations on Waddington Wednesday through Friday this week; however, curbing operations will start on Waddington on Monday 8/12, and parking will not be available there during that work. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer on Maple has also given permission for residents to park on the west side or in the rear of their parking lot (please leave room for the church’s staff and visitors to park close to the buildings).

Residents can expect water to pool in the streets on N. Glenhurst and Westwood when it rains between the first and second layers of asphalt. This is expected, because the level of the asphalt will be lower than the storm drains. See further information HERE.

Curbing operations - driveway access restrictions, parking

Curbing will start Monday next week on Waddington, Oak, Pine, then Tilbury Road and Tilbury Place, then Yarmouth and Bradway (in that order). Temporary driveway approaches will be removed first, then the curb will be placed, followed by pouring of concrete driveway approaches. Residents will not have access to their driveways for about 2 weeks for the curbing operation. The two-week clock starts when the driveway approach is removed. See more information on the curbing process HERE. Residents who will be impacted by the curbing process will receive a notice on the front door about 48 hours in advance. Make sure to have any vehicles you need out of the driveway/garage before 7 am on the day the driveway approach is removed, to avoid being blocked in for two weeks.

On the days when the contractor is removing driveways, laying curb and laying driveway approaches, please park on another street (or perhaps arrange with a neighbor across the street to park in their driveway). It is very difficult, and in some cases impossible, for the contractor to navigate around vehicles parked on the street during construction. After the construction crews have left for the evening, street parking is fine until the crews come back at 7 am the next day.

Other reminders. . . .

We are finding that the streets are becoming very congested when there is active construction, with equipment, materials and workers on one side of the street and the other open for traffic. For this reason, we are asking residents to avoid parking on any street where there is construction activity (see above for additional street parking and traffic restrictions during milling, grading and paving operations). Once the workers leave for the evening, street parking is fine until 7 am the next morning. Please remove vehicles parked overnight on the street before 7 am.

Additionally, while one side of the street is usually open for traffic during construction, please try to avoid driving on streets where there is active construction to help reduce congestion and keep everyone safe.

Please travel at slow speeds as you approach individuals and equipment. When approaching the active construction area, make eye contact with the individual construction worker or the equipment operator before traveling past them. Equipment operators have many blind spots and may not see you unless eye contact is made.

In case of an emergency, all construction staff will clear the road as quickly as possible to allow emergency services through.

The contractors will be working from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. They are generally working on one side of the road at a time to allow access for residents and maintain the flow of traffic.

Soil erosion controls are to remain in place until the project is completed. The soil erosion controls will slow drainage and protect the drainage system from debris and/or sediment entering the system at all structure areas. Stormwater will drain more slowly in areas where soil erosion controls have been installed. This means that the erosion controls are doing their job to keep debris and sediment out of our sewers.

Questions and concerns during the construction process should be directed to Wayne Dabrowski at the Road Commission — 248-858-4862 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.


Construction Update — BLUE section 8/7/24


PINK section - updated milling/paving dates on Glenhurst, Westwood