Paving in PINK section - 9/12 and 9/14 (schedule revised to 9/13 and 9/14)

Schedule revision

The schedule for paving of Waddington, Tilbury Road, Tilbury Place, Pine Street, Yarmouth east of Cranbrook and Bradway east of Cranbrook has been revised for a second time. Waddington will be paved on Thursday September 12 Friday, September 13. The other streets will be paved either Saturday, September 14 or next week (specific dates TBD). This change is necessitated by additional grading work required to prepare Waddington to receive the first layer of asphalt.

The paving schedule for the Pink section, as adjusted:

  • Thursday, September 12 Friday, September 13 — Waddington Road (including the intersection of Pine and Waddington)

  • Date TBD — Tilbury Road, south part Yarmouth Road east of Cranbrook, Bradway south of Tilbury Place

  • Date TBD - Pine Street, north part of Yarmouth east of Cranbrook, Tilbury Place, Bradway between Cranbrook and Yarmouth

About the Paving Process

Paving is a full-width operation. Streets being paved will be closed to ALL traffic and there can be no street parking. The operation will begin at 7 am; any vehicle parked on the street at that point will be subject to towing. (A single vehicle parked on the street will hold up the entire paving process.) Residents will not be able to enter or leave their driveways during the paving work.

The full-width paving operation on Waddington, Tilbury and the south part of Yarmouth will begin at the north end of the street and work south toward Maple. A procession of asphalt trucks will be staged on Maple Road and will back down the street to supply the asphalt for paving. Flaggers will be placed on Maple Road and at the north end of each street to ensure no traffic enters the street. For the east-west streets (Pine, Tilbury Place, north end of Yarmouth), the work will proceed from east to west. Asphalt trucks will be staged on Maple, will follow Cranbrook to Yarmouth/Pine/Tilbury Place and then back into the street being paved. Flaggers will be placed on both ends of the street.

Paving on Waddington will require closure of the intersection of Pine and Waddington as asphalt will be laid in that intersection. Therefore, east-west traffic, including traffic to/from Quarton Elementary, should avoid Pine Street on Thursday 9/12 Friday 9/13. The intersection of Waddington and Oak will be paved when Oak is paved; this intersection will remain open to traffic on Thursday 9/12 Friday 9/13 when Waddington is paved. However, asphalt trucks will be passing through the intersection throughout the time the northern block of Waddington is being paved. The paving equipment will also have to pass through the Oak/Waddington intersection. This cross-traffic his may result in temporary delays for drivers traveling east and west on Oak Blvd. Drivers will want to allow extra time in anticipation of potential delays.

When laid, the asphalt is hot enough to melt shoes and tires and cause significant injury. The asphalt will cool over several hours; once it is cool enough to drive on, that portion of the street will be opened to vehicle traffic. Homes at the south (or west) end of the streets, which will be paved last, may need to wait until the next morning for the asphalt to be sufficiently cooled.

Residents on streets impacted by paving will want to remove any vehicles they need from the driveway/garage and park them out of the construction zone the night before paving (see below for parking suggestions). Residents will want to schedule lawn crews, construction crews, other contractors and visitors for a different day (not the paving day), unless they can park elsewhere and walk down the sidewalk to your home.

Parking suggestions during the milling and paving operations

In general, residents will want to park behind the work (i.e., after work is completed on a street, park on that street).

  • For Waddington residents, Westwood or Glenhurst are alternatives. Tilbury Road and Tilbury Place will likely be graded on Thursday 9/12 Friday 9/13, and are thus NOT options.

  • For Tilbury and the south part of Yarmouth, Yarmouth west of Cranbrook may be an option if there is not construction work there on the paving day. Waddington will be an option after it is paved. Bradway Blvd. next to Bradway Park is also an alternative.

  • Residents on east end of Tilbury Place and Pine may want to consider Westwood; on the west end, parking on Cranbrook Cross or Bradway near Bradway Park are options.

  • The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer on Maple has also given permission for residents to park on the west side or in the rear of their parking lot (please leave room for the church’s staff and visitors to park close to the buildings).


PINK section - garbage pickup on Waddington during paving on 9/13/24


Construction Update — PINK section 9/4/24