Construction Update 7/10/24 — Blue Section

Construction updates from RCOC - Blue section:

For the remainder of this week -

o Verdeterre will continue underdrain installation on Roland and Tuckahoe

o Doan will start pouring concrete curb and driveway approaches on the north side of Burning Bush, and on the east side of Ardmoor. Due to the rain, this will likely start Friday with Burning Bush, then move on to Ardmoor.

o Mike’s Landscaping will be out making sprinkler repairs

Next week -

o Verdeterre is going to stay ahead of Doan, prepping the grade for the concrete work.

o Doan will continue pouring concrete curb and driveway approaches on the east side of Wooddale Rd and Hupp Cross Rd on Monday, north side of Wooddale Ct and east side of Halfmoon Rd on Tuesday, and the north sides of Tuckahoe and Roland on Wednesday

Curb placement process restricts driveway access

Step one in the curbing process for a given street (or section of street) will be removal of the temporary driveway approaches, followed by placement of the concrete curbs. Once the curbs are placed, concrete driveway approaches will be poured. The concrete needs to cure before ANY vehicle traffic is allowed on it.

Before the driveway approaches are removed to start the curbing process, residents will need to move vehicles out of garages/driveways and park them elsewhere, to avoid being blocked in during the two weeks of curbing process and curing time.

Residents will be notified by the contractor in advance of the start of the curbing process. The contractor will post a notice on the front door of each house that will be impacted by the concrete placement. If you receive a notice, you will need to move your car out of your driveway/garage and park it elsewhere (on a different street) prior to 7 am on the date listed on the notice.

Once the concrete curb and driveway approaches have been installed, they will need to cure before they can be driven on. The contractor will block off driveways with yellow caution tape until the concrete reaches the proper strength. Please do not touch the caution tape. When the caution tape has been removed by the contractor, the curb and driveway will be safe for vehicles to drive on. The total time during which residents will not have access to their driveways for the curbing process will be about two weeks.

Parking during construction and the curbing process

We are finding that the streets are becoming very congested when there is active construction, with equipment, materials and workers on one side of the street and the other open for traffic. For this reason, we are asking residents to avoid parking on any street where there is active construction. Once the workers leave for the evening, street parking is fine until 7 am the next morning. Please do remove vehicles parked overnight on the street before 7 am.

With respect to the curbing process, for the days the contractor is removing the driveway approaches, placing the curbs and pouring the driveway approaches, there will be a lot of heavy equipment on the street. Please park on another street that does not have active construction, or perhaps arrange with a neighbor on the other side of the street to park in their driveway. This will reduce congestion during active construction. After the curbs and driveway approaches are laid, the contractors will move on to other streets while the concrete cures. During the curing time, parking on the opposite side of the street is acceptable. Please make sure to leave room for other residents to get in and out of their driveways.

If you have any concerns about mobility and your ability to access your home while the concrete cures, please contact Wayne Dabrowski at 248-858-4862 or

Other reminders

Please travel at slow speeds as you approach individuals and equipment. When approaching the active construction area, make eye contact with the individual construction worker or the equipment operator before traveling past them. Equipment operators have many blind spots and may not see you unless eye contact is made.

In case of an emergency, all construction staff will clear the road as quickly as possible to allow emergency services through.

The contractor will be working from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. They are working on one side of the road at a time to allow access for residents and maintain the flow of traffic.

Soil erosion controls are to remain in place until the project is completed. The soil erosion controls will slow drainage and protect the drainage system from debris and/or sediment entering the system at all structure areas. Stormwater may drain more slowly in areas where soil erosion controls have been installed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.


Construction Update — PINK section 7/17/24


RCOC Construction Update 7/10/24 — Pink Section