Restoration Work in Blue Section
Project specifications for the Roads project require the contractor to back fill lawn/landscape areas damaged during construction with top soil, covered by sod. While Mike’s Landscaping had planned to complete restoration work in the Blue section before the holiday break, they were unable to source the sod they needed. Further, sourcing of topsoil proved more difficult than anticipated. Before the break, we met with the Road Commission, Bloomfield Township, Ajax and Mike’s Landscaping and agreed that the contractors would place topsoil in the damaged areas (mostly behind the curbs) and cover it with a mulch blanket (these resemble straw more than traditional mulch) for the winter. This work has now been completed. In the spring, Mike’s Landscaping will be back in the Blue section to remove the mulch blankets, add/grade topsoil as needed, then lay the sod. Any sprinkler work that could not be completed in the fall will also be done in the spring.
Mike’s has indicated they will begin work in the spring when weather permits, and when the necessary sod is available. This will likely be sometime in April, but will be weather dependent.
Porta-johns and any other equipment and signage will be removed from the Blue section over the next week or so. The soil erosion bags protecting the drainage system will be removed as well; some of these are currently frozen in place, and removal will be deferred until temps increase sufficiently to melt the ice.