Road construction update — BLUE section 10/23/24 (with revised paving dates)

Construction update from Road Commission:

This week

  • Verdeterre will finish grading on the streets in the eastern part of the section in preparation for the first layer of paving.

  • Paving in the eastern part of the BLUE section is now scheduled for Thursday 10/24 and Friday 10/25 Tuesday 10/29 so long as the weather cooperates. As a reminder, during paving, the street will be closed to ALL traffic and parking. Residents will not be able to get into or out of their driveways until the paving is complete and the asphalt has cooled sufficiently to allow the road to be reopened (most likely several hours after the asphalt is laid). Any vehicle parked on a street being paved will be towed. See further discussion below. The schedule:

    • Thursday 10/24 — Glengarry Circle W and N. Williamsbury. Asphalt trucks will be staged on Bradway and back down Williamsbury and onto Glengarry Circle.

    • Friday 10/25 — Overhill and Hamilton. Asphalt trucks will be staged on Bradway and will back down each street to supply the paver. SCHEDULE REVISED 10/25/24 due to rain — for Overhill, Hamilton and the southern part of Williamsbury, paving has been rescheduled to Tuesday 10/29.

    Notices will be posted on front doors in advance of paving.

  • ART will begin lining and adjusting elevations on drainage structures. This work may block portions of a street, depending on where the structure is located (middle of street or in the curb); traffic will need to detour around any areas blocked by the structure work.

  • Mike’s was originally scheduled to begin restoration work in the Blue section this week, but now expects that work to begin the week of October 28. Restoration will begin with sprinkler repair, then topsoil, then sodding.

  • Doan is completing concrete work in the Blue section. This includes filling in any gaps in the concrete (usually near a corner or drainage structure), and removal/replacement of a small amount of curbing that was damaged in the paving process. Residents whose driveway access will be impacted by this work will be notified.

Next week

  • ART will continue structure lining and adjustments.

  • Asphalt driveway approaches in both the Pink and Blue sections will be laid on Tuesday 10/29 Revised 10/25/24: driveway approaches will be laid Wednesday 10/30. This work will involve a small crew moving from driveway to driveway. Residents will not have access to the driveway until the asphalt cools sufficiently, likely over a few hours. Approaches may be removed the day prior to the asphalt work; residents will be notified of the date when the approach will be removed and access to the driveway will be blocked.

  • Mike’s Landscaping will be in the Blue section fixing sprinkler systems, then restoring areas damaged by construction with topsoil and sod. Residents are encouraged to wait until Mike’s has completed sprinkler work before winterizing their systems, if at all possible, to minimize the amount of work that will be necessary in the spring. see further discussion below.

Traffic, parking and driveway access restrictions during grading and paving

See further discussion of parking and access restrictions during grading and paving HERE. See parking suggestions during grading and paving below.

During the paving operation, asphalt trucks will be staged on Bradway and will back into the street being paved, provide asphalt for the pavers, then exit back to Bradway. Bradway will be very congested during the paving days. Residents are advised to avoid driving on Bradway between Glengarry and Hupp Cross if at all possible on these days. In addition, the asphalt trucks have a difficult time backing into the streets being paved if there are parked vehicles in the area. For this reason, do not park on Bradway west of Glengarry on the paving days.

Parking suggestions during grading and paving

For Glengarry Circle West - Sandringham, Glengarry Road and Glengarry Circle East are options. For Williamsbury, Hamilton and Overhill — options include parking on these streets south of Bradway, on Glengarry Road or Glengarry Circle East. Do not park on Bradway west of Glengarry on the paving days.

Sprinkler winterization

As part of the restoration work, Mike’s Landscaping crews will be repairing any damage to sprinkler systems caused by the construction. Residents will be asked to turn their systems on and confirm damage is repaired. Residents with systems needing repair will want to schedule sprinkler winterization as late as possible to allow time for the systems to be be fixed before winterization is done. If winterization is completed before the Mike’s crews can fix construction damage, Mike’s will repair the damage in the spring once the systems are re-charged. Please ask your winterization contractor to flag areas where repairs are needed, and email Wayne Dabrowski at regarding the damage. This will help the Road Commission assemble a comprehensive list of repairs that will be needed in the spring. As a reminder, residents may choose to have their own contractor repair sprinkler damage but will not be reimbursed for the cost of doing so.

Pool closings and water discharge

We have been advised of several instances in which pool water has been discharged into the street when pools are being closed for the winter. Bloomfield Township ordinance prohibits discharge of pool water into the storm sewer system. Further, pool water discharged into streets under construction will saturate the road base, especially after the existing pavement has been milled off. If discharged onto the first layer of asphalt, the pool water will soak the pavement and may not dry sufficiently before the next course is laid. Wet pavement or sub-base will impact the integrity of the asphalt on the new roads. For the sake of the quality and longevity of the new roads for which Blue section residents are paying over $42,000, do not drain your pool into the street or the storm sewers. Residents with pools have the option to either drain pool water on their own lawns/landscape or hire someone to truck it away.

Looking ahead . . . .

Once restoration work and structure lining/adjustments are completed, the final course of asphalt will be scheduled. The final paving will likely begin in the western part of the section the week of November 4. The final paving will go more quickly than the first layer, but will still involve closing the street to all traffic and parking. The streets may remain closed overnight to allow the asphalt to cool and to avoid marks in the driving surface. While the marks would usually be cosmetic and not impact the integrity of the road, we assume that residents would like to avoid them.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we sprint to the end of the road project in the Blue section!


Construction update - PINK section 10/23/24


Paving in BLUE section moved to Thursday/Friday this week