Unanimous approval of Pink and Blue Sections
From Village-wide email on April 25, 2024
Dear Village residents,
At their meeting last night, the Bloomfield Township Trustees unanimously approved our Roads projects in the Pink and Blue sections. With this vote, the SADs have received final approval, which means that we are getting new roads in these sections!
Construction will start in the Pink and Blue sections in early May (around May 6). The Road Commission of Oakland County (RCOC) will be overseeing the contractor, Ajax Paving, throughout the project. We will be meeting with RCOC and Ajax Paving in the next week or two to understand more details on the construction process and schedule. We have set up a “Construction Updates” section of the Roads website, which we will use to post updates as we receive them. Stay tuned for more information on this.
As with any construction project, there will be inconveniences – noise, dust, temporary road blockages and detours. But after mere 6 months or so, we will have beautiful pothole-free roads, with curbs, gutters and drainage! Congratulations to residents of the Pink and Blue sections for being the first to make this important investment in our community!